Friday, November 2, 2012

Good Morning,
Mom and I had to go to Paducah yesterday to pick up a package.
I had let my TracFone Wireless cell phone expire and I needed a new phone and mom said that I could have a Verizon Wireless smart phone. Her plan was only about 40 a month so getting a smart phone would increase that a lot. Any way I got a smart phone. After looking at the fine print it is not unlimited as I thought it would be. Maybe I am wrong?
I had taken some medicine before we left for Paducah and mom was sick from being around some folks at work so on the way home I got car sick. I never did have to use a trash can on the way home but  when I got home I turned green and my body flushed itself several times until I was empty. I felt better then and made of cup of green tea and a table spoon of honey to keep me nourished. We were supposed to go to Nashville this morning but between me being green and mom sick in bed we called it off.
I never got to explore the new smart phone last night because of my color so in the middle of the night I got to explore it a little and a little more this morning. It is becoming familiar and it growled a minute ago but I have no clue where that came from or could I find a paw print on it to give me a clue about the growl.

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