Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

Good Morning, it seems a bit cloudy outside and mom is off this Labor Day.

1832 New England unions condemn child labor
The New England Association of Farmers, Mechanics and Other Workingmen resolve that “Children should not be allowed to labor in the factories from morning till night, without any time for healthy recreation and mental culture,” for it “endangers their . . . well-being and health”

  1938 Federal regulation of child labor achieved in Fair Labor Standards Act

For the first time, minimum ages of employment and hours of work for children
 are regulated by federal law.

Read More about Child Labor.


  1. The unions seemed to have started out doing good things for the workers but then they got corrupted and began stealing money from those who trusted them to look out for their pensions and they started giving the money collected by those they supposedly served to help elect corrupt politicians and making, themselves, the union bosses rich. So now the thought of UNIONS brings to mind CORRUPTION, BRIBERY AND LAWLESSNESS.

    Have a nice holiday. Love you, Sandy

  2. The unions did not steel as much as the corporate raiders who bought the companies moved them out of state and cashed in the retirements funds, paid themselves and let the companies go bankrupt.
    It is now against the law to cash in employee retirement funds in the United States.
