Saturday, November 12, 2011

Good Morning.
I spent part of the day yesterday chipping and shredding my brush pile.
I am a little sore this morning from yanking at stuck limbs but that is all part of the brush pile. This chipper does not work as good as my old one.
Mom is off to work this morning and she is having trouble with arthritis over her whole body. After she relaxes it takes a big effort to move again. She loves working but does not like the pain. I may get her a hot tub or an indoor sit up bath as seen on TV.
I went to sit and talk at the " American Medicine Chest Challenge ". It was remarkably successful as most folks hate the idea of flushing drugs down the toilet. Our Community has a high temperature furnace to completely remove all effects of those drugs collected to harmless ash.

Mom picked me up for lunch.
Mom and I just watched the last Harry Potter movie and it was very nice and spectacular and understandable.


  1. hi dad...hope you and mom are having a good day

  2. Hi Dennis,
    I can't convince Mom that the Harry Potter movies are entertaining for adults, too. She thinks they're kids' movies! I think they're very well done!
