Sunday, April 10, 2011

Asumming a sentence.

I tripped and fell Saturday and hurt my ribs under my left breast. I may have not broken them but I sure tore them away from the muscles because when I move the ribs go one way and the muscles go another way (and that is very painful). I will see the doctor Monday. Maybe he will wrap me up to keep me from moving too much. I am not sure if I will us any drug to help me with the pain, I tried Tylenol but that upset my stomach.
I finished printing my stuff for NARFE and I found a mistake (100 copies with one mistake). I should of let mom read it, she would of found it. That is what I get for assuming a sentence as I read.
Mentally I am fine. Pain is part of the gift of life and I accept it as such and I still love the planet as it is with it's beauty and it's flaws.


  1. OUCH! I'm so sorry to hear that you are hurt. I know what it feels like to fall and get hurt and it's not good at our age. Rest.
    Love you very much!

  2. mom told me about it...ouchie....sorry to hear about your sore ribs...hope it heals quickly
