Sunday, September 5, 2010

It is late in the day and I have not been in the mood to spell words that hopefully convey a message.
I have been playing solitaire on the computer. My leg does not want to stretch out fully, it is the nerves in my back that is to blame, I have been there before and it is mildly unpleasant making me hobble like a chained convict, it is very unsettling and mildly unpleasant.


  1. We're getting ready to eat at the Great Wall in Princeton. Come join us or call me on the cell phone.

  2. I'm so glad that you & Motherkitty were able to come join us even though we didn't eat at the Great Wall after all. The steak house was nice and sharing a smoothie at Micky D's with Allan & Tina and their children was also a nice surprise to a wonderful evening with family.
