Friday, February 20, 2009

Yesterday while doing chores I signed up for a writing class at our local library. At 1600 I took my pill for my shingles. At 1815 which was time to go to the evening writing class I was so upset by the medicine that I told Motherkitty I was going to bed. I laid down not feeling to well and went to sleep with the shingle ache at my side; I slept. I awoke at 2300 feeling the ache at my side but feeling better by not having the upset feeling I had earlier that evening. I now understand how strong the medicine is and I just took it again.
Motherkitty said today will be a lazy day of rest and relaxation.


  1. that is cool that they offer that writing class, and maybe they will offer it again when you feel better or maybe in the summer

    is that loretta, dolly, or tiger lily under the tree?

  2. That medicine must really be strong. Surely they will hold another writing class that you can attend when you feel better.
