Monday, March 28, 2016

Winter is Almost Gone

Good Morning,
I am absent as far as being able to keep a mind stimulated and up to date; the purpose of the blog is to inform the world of normal behavior with all the tools of a modern society. 
I understand that the world today in our neighborhood does not want to rebuild the city water system, sewer system, roads or bridges with their money.
I hear the chant, "No more taxes!" from everyone. The State of Michigan is our first big Republican mistake as to what happens when government says we are too big and shuts down systems or cuts back the protections to the common man. In Kentucky which is 20 years behind the thought but elected a Governor which is cutting back and the first to fall will be drug court and the local road around our community. Kentucky has water and coal and some fine schools; I would think that money would be brought in to help the coal industry and use the water to generate electricity. There is a tremendous amount of methane in the coal fields that could be controlled to generate electricity.
I am fine this morning; Mom is done with PT but has a treadmill in our living room and a husband who is clearing out and cleaning the garage to use as a gym (when we bought this home it was built with storm windows and insulation in the garage (walls and ceiling)). There are no air ducts out there but a space heater would work fine out there. I did not do anything yesterday but Saturday was a busy day for us as mom washed just about everything and I brought in things to trash or put away. First thing this morning is that I check out a box of clothing I brought in; if they are good I will recycle, if they are bad then I will trash. 
The clothes that I put in the closet for the kids will be given to the kids or recycled; nothing stays here. There is money in the coats; heavy winter coats.
We did have a big storm late yesterday afternoon. I did not expect it, it surprised me.

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