Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sunny and Warm

Good Morning,
Sunny and 66 degrees outside at 0630 this morning. I did mow yesterday and today I will pick up grass clippings. I am a little sore but healing nicely.
As a human being and part of the exploring class I will thank god for the sun and the planet earth and opportunity to live on this planet in peace; I am speaking about me when I say I have been living in peace. I am very lucky to live under the umbrella of the United States Constitution. At every turn in my life I have missed the violence of war. I had the opportunity to see first hand the way life should be lived. I gave that opportunity to my family and they choose the life to live. I live in a comfortable home that is falling apart but it still protects me from the cold and hot sun; it has done well in storms as well. Our community has offered me gas, water, electricity and police protection which is a plus where Bison, Mountain Lions and Bears roamed at one time. There is quiet and peace here this morning in this area where I live.

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