Monday, February 2, 2015

A Dirt Floor

Good Morning,
21 degrees outside and a lot of wind, no rain, no snow; I am sore but better pain in the kidneys ( I stretched my legs over my head (I always do this in the morning) and my left leg offered no pain, my right leg gave me some pain when I reach toward the ceiling). I carefully moved about washing my face and brushing my teeth; those stretches also tell me in the mornings to be careful. After I move about and warm up I then can do more serious work. No matter what I do lifting always does hurt; I do it anyway. 
I had to clean the kitchen floor yesterday because the cats were believing it was a dirt floor. I cleaned with a bucket and mop (I did half), I will do the rest today.
Laurel's pain is more in her knee than her back, walking is a chore because of her knee not her back. She truly believe that she will have her knee replaced as she did with the other knee. To me that is a little too much pain (physical therapy).

Boy did things go wrong a few minutes ago. One of the cats decided to go to the bathroom on the kitchen floor after I cleaned it yesterday. I put kitty litter on the huge pile; Laurel wanted some tea, so I made her some tea, while I was doing that I noticed that our sugar bowl was empty. I cleaned everything out of the cabinet to get to the big Tupperware (15 lb) container of sugar; I filled the sugar bowl and as I was putting things back into the cabinet I grabbed hold of a bag of elbow macaroni upside down and dumped the whole bag on the kitchen floor. As I was sweeping up the elbow macaroni I noticed that some of the noodles had fallen into the cats water dish, so I picked up the dish went over to the sink and emptied some of the water but kept the noodle in the water dish. I then walked to the back door with the water dish to empty the elbow macaroni into the back yard. As I was coming back into the house I saw footsteps of crap leading to the kitchen sink. Holy shit!
I had stepped in it and walked across the floor; I just cleaned the floor yesterday!

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