Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It is Dark

Good Morning,
It is dark and very early. The small  kitten is one half the size of any of the cats and they are playing or teasing the kitten. The kitten is full of piss and vinegar. 
There is no doubt that the soldiers surrounding our country believe our constitution is working well. I sit in rather swell surroundings. This brick home is paid for, there is no army coming over the hill and that thoroughly pisses off folks in other countries. They want to blow this country up but when they get here they do not want too. There is a freedom in the air.
Half of our society put a black man in the office of the presidency and the white rich society is doing everything they can possible do to discredit him.

1 comment:

  1. It's just not the white rich society that doesn't like Obama, and his blackness has nothing to do with the way he runs this country. I don't like the way Obama's white half runs the country either. He's just a human being who half the country dislike, just like any other President who half the country disliked also. That's just the way it is! I really hate to say this brother, but you and others are part of the problem for trying to turn this into Black vs White. Our country is no longer made up of a majority of just one race, we are all mixed up, including what you are calling YOUR BLACK PRESIDENT. Sorry for my frankness this morning, but I am just tired of hearing that Obama is not liked solely because he is black. Maybe he is not liked by Republicans because he is not a Republican
