Thursday, November 3, 2011


Good Morning,
Mom is off today.
I am up and it is raining and I hear thunder overhead. Nothing violent just the high clouds colliding and rain falling. I made a cup of coffee and it is just sitting there on the namesake table (the coffee table). I think I should stop typing and drink; it is good.
I was going outside to cut down some tall weeds that have dried up and add them to my brush pile. I have a pile ready for the chipper shredder; I did that yesterday. I collected some seeds that did not fall off our hibiscus plants. I will pot them this winter and see if they grow. I need some hibiscus on the south side of my out building and in front of the out building. If I have no luck with the seeds then I will purchase some plants that regrow well come spring. My sister gave me some seeds a few years back and I produced 20 or 30 plants from her seeds; I have not been able to reproduce that effort since. Maybe I need to buy one of those small cheap Jiffy starter kits from Walmart or just buy some Saran wrap and place that over my starter trays.

visual input
Do we remember the first time the wheel was created and
the wonder that was felt at that moment or
seeing on TV this morning the space shuttle leave the planet and go into orbit?
It is just amazing walking around this home with all these tools and wires placed everywhere.
The tools are created from someone's human brain and mass-produced for productivity.
We take all this for granted; just like we take our place on this earth for granted.
Do we really see what is happening?
Are we so callused or is our brain just numb from too much visual input?
We tried in the sixties too slow down the input by first seeing the man in front of us as being.
Grasping the moment at hand and enjoying it.
I still see in that way and I try to explain it to mankind.
visual input

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