Monday, February 14, 2011

Why are they working?

Everywhere I have ever worked there were people hired to keep them off the streets, I can assume that I am one of those individuals. We have all seen them and we wonder why are they working where they are at. They never do anything and if they do someone comes behind them and cleans up the mess. The simple reason is that they are better off working than not working at all.
My skills after high school were best described as suitable for picking up the trash and cleaning up the toilets.
Remember that the Egyptians used slaves to build their pyramids. Slaves are a mixture of intelligent and not too bright folk.
At the moment our government plans to put those people on the streets because it (our government) does not have the funds to pay that dip shit to roam around the country finding out why we itch when we crap in the woods.
Are we better off paying them to roam and stand at coffee pots or are they better off asking for pennies on the corner.
It seems that the GOP has decided that waste is not proper and should be excluded from the chow line just as Ronald Reagan emptied out federally funded insane asylums.

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