Sunday, November 22, 2009

Health Care Abortion

I heard someone argue that they would not vote for the health care bill if it paid for abortions.
I had no answer for that thought until this morning when a caller at C-Span explained to me what it was like in the 1950's and 1960's in the hospitals in those days. He said where he worked (in the emergency room back then) four or five cases a week would come in where young women performed their own abortions.

It is better for a doctor to do what a young women asks than let her do it on her own. That was why the law was changed. Society could not let young women do abortion while their minds raced with emotions.
Today we have clinics that sooth young women and do try to give them all the facts about birth and abortion. Which is still rather emotional but well controlled.
So lets think twice before going back to pre-1960 abortions and what is in this health bill.

1 a : the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially : freedom from physical disease or pain b : the general condition of the body
2 a : flourishing condition : well-being b : general condition or state
3 : a toast to someone's health or prosperity

1 comment:

  1. I don't think ANYONE wants to go back to pre 60's abortions. Let the abortion clinics do the job they do now. There is no reason to make health insurance mandatory with fines and jail time if you don't have it. That's ridiculous. Create a Public option for those that want to purchase low cost healthcare insurance coverage (even to illegal aliens), tweak the existing insurance companies to remove the pre-existing clauses and the limits of life=time coverage to NO LIMITS as long as you keep your premiums paid.
    What else could anyone ask for? Certainly government take=over of private insurance is not needed nor is it wanted...just a few minor changes in the law in regard to insurance companies. Buying medical insurance across state lines is already being done but not by all and this needs to be expanded.
    Another thing is that if private individuals want to buy more coverage for abortions on their own, then they should be allowed to do so with their own private funds. Since I don't believe in abortions, then I shouldn't have to pay for abortions because it's against my beliefs, not my religion, but my own personal beliefs that have nothing to do with religion.
