Sunday, September 27, 2009

Calendars Through the Ages

Today is Sunday the Sun Day. Our day of reflection. I being retired from the hum drum of the odysseys of the 9 to 5 work week do reflect at every moment of the day and week. I can also do this by whispering or screaming because it is an understanding of existing, a prayer to god and the the bowing down to the sun's warmth.
The earth is but a moment in time in the vastness of space.

From the calendar web site:
"In ancient Rome, a priest observed the sky and announced a new moon cycle to the king. For centuries afterward, Romans referred to the first day of each new month as Kalends (from their word calare, which means "to proclaim”)."

It is foggy out this morning and we do have a spectrum of cat life in our home. At the moment our youngest is learning about the keyboard which makes it a little amazing to post anything without scrolling, pawing or tabbying.

1 comment:

  1. "At the moment our youngest is learning about the keyboard which makes it a little amazing to post anything without scrolling, pawing or tabbying."

    I needed a good laugh today.
