Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Crosby, Stills & Nash 4+20 Suite Judy Blue Eyes

When Motherkitty and I got married I used to sand floors in Cynthiana and Lexington Kentucky. ( The Wood Dust Creature) When we moved to Marion we had no money so we had to find good furniture cheap; so we found a kitchen table with four chairs and two rocking chairs (one for mom nursing and one for baby). I refinished all of the above and they were all in use when our daughter got married (Kitten Yarn). Motherkitty was ready for something new and daughter was having a child. So we donated all of the above to the new growing family until they got around to updating their furnishings. The table and chairs got donated to Hawkins Research in Murray, KY.
When we were at Murray a few days ago the arm of the big rocker loosened up and Kitten Yarn asked me to fix it and I brought it back to Marion.
So today after my NARFE meeting I got started in repairing the big rocker.

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