Friday, August 21, 2015

Onward, Christian Soldiers

Good Morning,
I have been awaking every morning these last few days with a sore throat. I know why but I am under doctors orders so I will keep my mouth and face clean in the meantime and continue using my eye drops. I told them that I had used and finished a bottle of antibiotics during my denture implants and they seemed not to worry. I read up on this situation and when your body kills germs with antibiotics it leaves you defenseless for a while (too much of a good thing is not good when it comes to antibiotics) I have strength and stamina and understanding so I know and my body knows what to do. I sooth my mouth with honey and my body absorbs the honey quickly and that helps; I know my body gets dependent on the honey but I buy plenty and give my mouth and throat plenty to absorb. When I get off the antibiotics my body will function with a little more normalcy.

Important Link between the Brain and Immune System Found

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