Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Good Morning

I had a nice weekend. We had a nice weekend. Laurel Rose and I shared the weekend with the sounds of cook outs over the high walls of our oasis. We also heard bird and dogs with a scampering lizard here and there. The pool added some comfort in this dry hot environment. Laurel's sister has two desert dogs that do well in this climate. We have yet to understand the masters following the dog concept and picking his crap yet; we are but poor uncivilized folk from Kentucky who let the bear sh!t in the woods.
We feel fine though we are very leery about our condition. It will probably take a doctors very pleasant demeanor and beside manner that will make us feel comfortable again.
Maybe you can get our aunt or grandma on FaceBook and we will not have to be so isolated. I have not gotten into interactive TV as of yet. But I can tell you that this 3D TV sure makes those old Turner Classic Movies look perfect.
We have been bringing in Tova during the hot part of these last few days. She knows how to use the dog door but prefers not to use if it can be helped. Her back legs wobble when she first gets up but after being outside her dog hair hackles which is normal for a keen sense of being a dog. Out side she raises her voice first but Simi challenges any outside movement. Both dogs Kennel after dark but refuse when asked to come in if there is any light. 

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