Thursday, December 13, 2012

Good morning,
My computer does not seem as fast as my smart phone. I guess this computer is big and clunky. Or maybe my DSL supplier does not make any money fooling around with the Internet. They are more into collecting money from smart phone data plans.
Laurel felt better after her visit to the doctor, she got two shots and a prescription for the next few days. While off we got our Christmas Shopping done.
I feel good but my overall ability to travel any distance by foot is limited by the nerves in my back. I can make a couple of trips around a department store before my right thigh gets hot and my ankles decide to ache. The heat in the thigh is my disk in my back telling my mind that my leg hurts like hell. If I ignore it , it gets very serious and does require back surgery. So I just rest or get a cart to sit in.
At the zoo we rented some carts to travel the zoo area and that worked OK for Laurel and I. Being 70 and 71 does require some help.
Laurel just got up and getting busy. Today we clean and move my computer into my sons room and dig up/out the Christmas Tree and place it up, string lights and wish you a Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Yes it is true, your smart phone is way faster than your computer, or at least my smartphone and my iPad are lightning fast.
    Sorry that your back bothers you so much. Take it easy and rest it whenever necessary. Hope Laurel feels better soon.
    Love you,
