Thursday, August 2, 2012

40 Years

Good Morning,
It is still dark outside it is close to 0530 as I write this post. I did not drink any coffee yesterday I drank decaffeinated coffee and I am free of any hangover this morning. 
I did clean the pool yesterday and mom got her water bill and she complained about it. The high temperature draws the water out of the pool (it was over 100 degrees at our home outside yesterday) which is normal evaporation and good for the environment.
 Any one in any community should have a pool as well as burying all vegetable matter as in lawn clippings, twigs and limbs, leaves and vegetable waste/scraps. Meat scraps should be dog and bear free as in a professional services. Burying vegetable matter creates mulch which holds moisture in or under ground.
In 1972 this land where I reside at was taken away and not replenished. This land where this home is was built on the clay above a spring after the topsoil was taken to raise the level of the area that our hospital was being built on. It has taken me all these forty years to replenish the area with garden wastes from elsewhere and here. When I could I bought matter that worms loved; I also had to buy the worms since ours were moved to the hospital area.
Our tomato yield this year was phenomenal for the eight plants I bought and the three that came up as volunteers.
 One of our latest mulch/compost piles (2000-2008).
Our pool is on the first and under the Hackberry tree is the second plus
 tons of store bought mulch out in front of the house.
We can't afford the pleasure of buying mulch anymore.
We also bought bales and bales of straw for the garden as well as
 bags and bags of cottonseed hulls for the worms.

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