Sunday, March 25, 2012

Step forward and lead our nation to good health and equality for all including the puppy.

I have an intense desire to have all human beings have good jobs and good health. It annoys me when religion decides to have a particular idea as to how a women or man treated. To me man and women are equal with no pecking order.
I joined NARFE because I was a Federal Employee and I did like their health care and I did like the idea of Universal health care for the planet earth. I must assume that you live on the planet earth. I demand equal rights. I have no sympathy for folks that live in historically old religious pecking orders that require a women to take orders from a man. I left that back in the 1960's. The south is historically unequal with their "MASSUH" wisdom. I thought the younger generation would learn from the past but it hard to teach and old dog new tricks. As in men and women are equal, blacks and foreigners are equal and old religious teachings are old religious teachings. Keep the old laws.
Step forward and lead our nation to good health and equality for all including the puppy.


  1. I don't think anyone is really listening. It's only the Catholic institutions that don't want to carry contraceptive medical coverage. Everyone else can carry whatever they like. And since everyone, including Mr.Obama knows that Catholics have never believed in contraception, I don't know why they can't be exempt.

  2. There are places that helped girls in schools after they became pregnant to either cope with the reality of pregnancy or go forward without a child.
    They also provide help with contraceptives for school students or other ways to avoid a pregnancy.
    These places are the places that need government grants (taxes).
    Pro choice or pro life is not a man's concern; good health is( promote the general Welfare) as said in our Constitution.
