Sunday, March 18, 2012

March Madness plus it is Windy

I eliminated my entire post like a magicians; I have no clue as to where it went but it is gone. It was as I typed something just erased behind me.

When I was young I thought my life was being erased as I walked or thought. I know now that that is not true (that photo is not erased; it just looks that way).
My original post was about my watching so many basketball games plus today I watch NASCAR.
I am visually being pleased. 


  1. the kids and i were at a restaurant with tvs yesterday. All of them were on basketball. Then they all changed to Nascar, and we were all thinking that you were probably watching that too.

  2. I'd rather switch to Mac than to use Windows 8. I'm practically there with all of my gadgets anyway.
    We've been watching the Final Four Tourney and I was rooting for all of the Kentucky teams :)
