Friday, February 10, 2012

Yesterday we went to Paducah. Mom had a eye doctors appointment. We spent two hours in their office (emergency) something unknown to us but properly taken care of (two hour delay).
After that we went shopping for basic supplies.
Our electronic dishwasher is kaput so I do the dishes. We were going to see one (dishwasher) yesterday but the two hour delay postponed that. We now have a to do list for my red truck plus the thought of a new dishwasher. All put on hold because it is sound economics in today's environment. Our home will be paid for and another loan will be done by the end of the year so we can live more comfortably for two weeks after that. We are behind on birthdays too.

Anyway we are sound of mind and I saw a rat on TV build a nest so Alzheimer's may be a distant thought away.
Mice using what is available to build a nest.
The cluttered nest is before the drug (forgotten use of tissue (Alzheimer's)) and the neat and understood nest is a remembered use of tissue.

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