Tuesday, April 26, 2011

High Water and the Ark

Good Morning. It was a tough night, another thunder storm at midnight and I was awakened from a very deep sleep. After the storm passed I was reminded that my ribs hurt by the aching pain, nothing overwhelming just a constant like arthritis; it made it very hard to go back to sleep.
The power was off when I awoke at midnight and it stayed off until maybe 3AM. I am not sure? When I did awaken this morning mom was gone to work and some of the clocks said, "12:02" I assume that was the time when the storm passed and I was awakened.
I set the clocks to whatever my watch said.
Mentally I am fine with my life and the planet. The creatures wandering around in a daze seems ridiculous but "Heh!" that is OK. This has been going on for some time. Remember that Moses told the Big Corporations to set the slaves free and Jesus died on a cross because he said he was the son of god. I also understand the man and I am also the son of the planet earth which is part of this big universe.
We tell stories which are good and sometimes funny, sometimes sound and sometimes they are ridiculous. This morning we have the whole spectrum of thought from sound asleep to walking on water to maybe telling those rich folk to pay their dues and quit robbing the poor to pay the rich.

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