Monday, October 11, 2010

Well what are we going to do?

I remember in the 1950's and 60's the thought that robots were going to take over the country and the thought was what are we going to do?
Well they told us and I did not believe it.
I am lucky to have worked for the Federal Government. We signed a contract together. You give up some of your pay and we will plan a retirement program for you. I know that a lot of the auto industry employees did that and it worked. But I do remember company thief's that bought companies in the 1990's just to steal the retirement program money. The Federal Government put a stop to that but not before some companies were drained of any retirement funds for their employees.
Well today the companies have left the country and have left an entire population penniless. Is there any responsibility as to who cares for these human beings. Is anyone going to pay a tax to place these people on some exercise program or some pyramid to build?
Is the president going to stimulate the country as Franklin Delano Roosevelt did with his New Deal.
Or we could do what other countries have done and let them starve in the desert and go about out business and talk about it on business week.

1 comment:

  1. We could all pay an extra tax that will go to help support these people.
