Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today I Rest Because My Back Hurts

Something on our trip north put a an ache in my back and it is persistent. Two acetaminophen last night did help but I am still sore and stiff. I may take 2 more acetaminophen this morning so my body has some time to cure.
Time to contemplate the written word of this man's mind.


  1. Today I rest because my bike is broke.

    Good morning Dennis,
    I hope that you get some relief soon for your back. Rest and a little Advil or an over the counter pain patch might help. Brian's back is also giving him constant pain these days. We should all be as healthy as Jimmy who is as I write, out running errands on his bike.
    Love you!!!!

  2. I have spent the day working on the pool. I may suffer after the acetaminophen wears off. I think it is time for 2 more.
