Sunday, June 13, 2010

God Little Acre

How do we change the garden were in to a better place? How do we keep sane where the planet wants to live fast and easy? The answer is always the mind and what we do to "gods lil acre".
How do you influence a generation of young folks that no nothing about life and live free and easy.
I was out early this morning but the mosquitoes just ate on me as they pleased. Dawn and dusk are the times they feed on me.
My lil garden is almost chemical free. I do use a garden tiller, shredder and mower that use gasoline and oil.
I do have a plentiful amount of garden worms in our yard.

1 comment:

  1. Try clipping an "Off Clip-On" from Walmart to your waist and the mosquitos will stay away from you.
