Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It is very peaceful and quiet in Kentucky this morning. Water is dipping and there is a humming in my ears either from electricity in our home or my inner ear is ringing. Blue skies and distant clouds are the norm. There is a ceiling fan turning clockwise and battery clock ticking.
The primary was held with no violence. Money placed the leaders to the front of the election lines.


  1. Good morning. I'm glad you found out who really sent you the mystery care package and it was so sweet of them. I've never heard of hibuscus tea, that's a new one on me. I wonder if we could dry our flower pedals and make our own, but I can't imaging that ours would taste as well.

    It's cloudy here this morning but warm. Jimmy has a day of tests & scans on his sinus' and brain. It's part of his complete physical that he had yesterday. He liked his new doctor and I was happy to hear that.

    I hope the ringing in your ears or the buzzing of electricity stops so that you will have a quiet morning. Love you

  2. good morning dad
    nice morning here too
    listening to ABC animal songs with talon

  3. here's a funny one...this morning, saturday, I was sitting here on the computer and I kept hearing this sound. I kept thinking,what's that? that's weird.....and then i realized/remembered that i had put some towels in the washer to wash, haha...I was hearing the water run in the washer prior to the rinse cycle, hahahaha
