Monday, March 8, 2010

Sometimes Things Never Change

I hear folks say that the "New Deal" created by FD Roosevelt was a failure. How can they have any prospective when they were not there? Folks are comparing the Obama Stimulus Package as a new "New Deal" and is doomed to failure because it seeks to provide money to city/state/employer for the creation of jobs.
Why would someone say that a finding a way to help an unemployed human being is a failure. I started working as a temporary worker and my wife has had to start again as a temporary worker.
I am done as a 9 t0 5 employee, I do work for the Crittenden County Drug Coalition and The Active and Retired Federal Employees Association.
I just think they are balking because our young population elected a black man. Corporate America almost has them back in their palms. They have waged a negative war against Obama. Some of us see through all the propaganda and wonder how easy it is to sway a mind with money and negative words.

1 comment:

  1. Why do you democrats & liberals keep bringing up the words that Obama is a black man. Obama is a white man raised by white grandparents, just like I consider myself white. Obama is more white than black. The black part of Obama was only brought out by Obama himself to gain favor from all blacks in this nation in order to be elected. I thought as a nation that we were through with this black & white shit but it looks like people like you and others want to keep stirring up the pot, and it kind of makes me mad to hear that the only reason that some of us don't like his policies is because he is black. Black has nothing to do with it. We just don't like all this spending and probably no matter who had been elected president at this precise day & time, we still be complaining about all the spending the government is doing. The government, our government needs to learn to live on a budget.

    Let everything crash & crashed during the great depression and we still survived as a nation, so quit the spending, quit the bailing out of everything and just stop the spending. Let congress take a 20 or 30% pay cut like the rest of America is taking to keep their jobs and we might have a little sympathy for them. But as long as they are spending and spending they are all going to get voted out. Those that buck the system will be lucky and remain but the spenders will be gone in the next two elections.
