Friday, February 19, 2010

Good News

18 degrees in Marion this morning.
I heard on the news from the local neurosurgeon in Paducah that back aches in folks like me can be relieved by reducing your weight. The chance of success is almost 80%. So I need to lose at least 50lbs in the next two years. That is a no brain er.
I awoke last night in the middle of a dream. Mom left the TV on and I was being chased by a bear until I awoke and then as I sat by the bedside with my eyes closed and I saw a mite crab across my eye. He was swimming crablike in the fluids. I jump and looked at mom's wall hoping to see a spider crawling on the wall no such luck.
We both went back to bed and I just got up a few minutes ago.
The trash truck is making his rounds and it is still dark as the furnace flames up and now the blower kicks in.

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