Monday, January 18, 2010

Federal Holidays

Good morning. 30 degrees and fog that means icy spots on the bridges and overpasses.
Mom is off today.
The Untied States Military can build roads, hospitals, communications system, water system and toilets in a matter of days in emergencies if asked to do so. With gene technology they can identify human remains.
What we cannot do is simultaneously lift concrete off of all sights in a day or week in a an earthquake of the magnitude that devastated Haiti. In a small community as we have here in town it would be a simple task with our tools in the neighborhood.
On a island it is another matter.
Could you imagine what happened to those lost continents a 1,000 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. It was warm enough here today for a bike ride. Jimmy went for a ride to visit an out of town friend and I stayed home to work on a picture project that Suzanne's Ray asked me to do for him.

    I hope you and Motherkitty enjoyed the day. It was a beautiful one with sunny skies.

    Love you,
