Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tall Tales

0630 We have sun - stratus clouds and 18 degrees outside. There is strength in the environment as it is seen out my window.
Imaginary balloons have flown away and burst yet still the sky they travel in is clear to the eye and the sun does shine on the earth.
In February we were without electricity and water. We lived without the electricity but the water was an issue. Without water life in this home was not possible. Today the city pumps the water with electricity.
The imaginary balloon was filled with hope, money and dreams promised. It is amazing in this day of bartering bags of balloons were filled with gifts of money and set aside in buildings in the Bahamas with nets as roofs.
We have sun - stratus clouds and 18 degrees outside. There is strength in the environment as it is seen out my window.
The Emperor's New Clothes

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