Tuesday, March 31, 2009


United States products were made from foundry to assembly when I grew up in the 1950's. Cheap labor moved the foundry's into other countries in the last 60 years.
We have all had to wait for a car part from some country where the standards are not as high as ours.
I think President Obama is tired of those poor standards and wants us (the United States Citizen) to manufacture our cars of the future.
When they built Lock and Dam #50 (finished 1929) on the Ohio River the foundry ( for the parts of the lock and Dam ) was in Crittenden County (at Lock and Dam #50).
When I was in the Navy aboard the USS Frontier AD-25 the ship had a foundry onboard to make parts for other ships.
Children can create a foundry with jello and a mold or jello and fine wet sand out side.
Do our children understand the craftsmanship of the 20th century?
As I see it most young folks work at Big Bank, Burger Biggie and Pay Little.
It will take a leader who will grab our hands and lead us toward a well-crafted automobile.

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