Saturday, February 7, 2009

In the chart above it shows you how much damage to the main trunk line was done. Electricity comes from the east to the west. They have to rebuild all these lines from east to west. I think in the mean time we are borrowing electricity (buying) from electric companies south of the chart. Click on map for a bigger view.

It is early morning and it is warm (56 degrees) outside. I am still with power and Motherkitty has to be at work at 0900 for a day to finish at 1600. I went to bed early after a busy day of fixing my bed latch on my red truck, laundry, sawing and picking up limbs in our yard. On the north side of hills and tree shadows ice was still an inch thick when I went to bed. Folks in our county are still without electricity but it is now less than half the residents in Western Kentucky.
In the Crittenden Press Blog you can get an update of day to day posts of the storm.
I wrote some during the storm but it was mostly anger for the city when they turned off my water. What was written is in my hand written tablets.
Ice D is sleeping in his bed and I think slept there throughout the night. Ice D and George (the older male cat) have been fencing ( the fine art of cat attack) for the last two days. The kitten knows how to use the cat door but has chosen for the time being to stay indoors.
The National Guard is still patrolling the county and city roads.
Western Kentucky Map

1 comment:

  1. That's awful when your local newspaper is even "out-sourced" for printing.
